You collect art, purchasing work through consultants.
You are yourself an art consultant.
You maintain invoices for artwork purchased through or for someone else.
You understand the value of transactive history to art in today's market.


Collection Exhibition


Dear Art Enthusiast:

We all make mistakes. I'm sure most of us want them cleared up as quickly as possible. That's why your attention's been directed to us. We understand that you've purchased, received or are trafficking in artwork that you may never have actually seen. Possibly, you've just neglected to uncrate it. Possibly, the work remains inconveniently locked away in storage. Collection building is fraught with logistical, spatial, and archival concerns transcending the simplicity of hammering a nail into a wall. COLLECTION hopes to remedy this by presenting invoices for contemporary art as contemporary art.

Invoices submitted for presentation may be selectively redacted by contributors in advance of transmittal. All names remaining unredacted on invoices submitted for COLLECTION will be listed as participating artists in the exhibition; this is inclusive of collectors, consultants, artists and any referenced galleries/dealers.

Submit invoices via fax or email.

Fax invoices to 1-646-559-5157
Email invoices to